About Dr. William H Chen
Dr. William Chen graduated from Washington University School of Dental Medicine and has been in private practice in Granite City, Illinois, and St. Louis, Missouri, for over 37 years. He was on the active staff at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Granite City and served as Dental Chief from 1986-1996. Dr. Chen is also a visiting professor at Columbia University, NY; University of Genoa, Italy; University of Rome, Italy; and Chulalongkorn Univerity, Thailand. His honors and awards include the following:
- Fellowship and Mastership of the Academy of General Dentistry
- Mastership of the Academy of Laser Dentistry
- Mastership of the World Clinical Laser Institute
- Fellow of the American College of Dentists
- Fellow of the International College of Dentists
- Listed in Who’s Who in Dentistry (First Edition)
Dr. Chen was the chief investigator for Biolase in obtaining FDA Clearance for complete laser root canal therapy and bone applications.
He has published a number of clinical articles on dental lasers in Dentistry Today, PPAD Endodontic Therapy, Academy of Laser Dentistry’s Wavelengths, and assorted regional and state association scientific journals. He is currently an independent lecturer, trainer, and researcher for Biolase. He is also on the faculty of the World Clinical Laser Institute (WCLI) .
He is the most traveled and most experienced Waterlase lecturer and trainer, having lectured at the following places:
- All over the United States
- Canada
- Germany
- Italy
- France
- Spain
- United Kingdom
- China
- Japan
- South Korea
- Thailand
- Singapore
- Taiwan
- Hong Kong
- Australia
- New Zealand
His presentations at major events include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Chicago MidWinter Meeting
- The Academy of General Dentistry Annual Meeting
- American Association of Endodontists’ Annual Session
- Iowa Dental Association Annual Session
- Detroit Dental Society Annual Meeting
- WCLA Annual Meetings
- Academy of Laser Dentistry Annual Meetings
- Des Moines Dental Society Meeting
- Rocky Mountain Dental Meeting
- New York State AGD Meeting
- Illinois AGD Meeting
- Chicago AGD Meeting
- Montreal AGD Meetings, and others.
- He has also been appointed as Examiner at both the ALD and WCLI Annual Meetings.
He is one of the original founders of the World Clinical Laser Institute and is currently serving on the Advisory Board.
- He is also Co-Chairman of the WCLI Endodontic and Certification committees.